Saturday, February 25, 2012

The religious view on homosexuality...

First off I wanna start with this video, Consider it an introduction to the the topic at hand. Starting it off with religion. To those interested in what i have to say in the scientific aspect. I will express my view on that shortly after I said all I could say about coorespondance to religion and homosexuality.

I think that the bible is taken way to literally.. and that just because its what you think, it doesn't make it true! Is is possible that a person could take a quote from any text, and flip its meaning around to make the arguement go their way? If you said no then I might ask you to think of a time you made a comment on facebook or somewhere with friends, and someone heard it and suddenly thinks you were talking about him/her.. Now this person is going around to people spreading rumors that you were talking about him/her behind his/her back.. does that make it true? The answer to that is no. So does that mean your interpretation of the bible is true? I think not!

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